1st Breath has numerous opportunities and needs across the nation.  The opportunity to volunteer is as great as your imagination.  Just a few suggestions are listed below.


  • Provide items for Compassion Care Kits such as receiving blankets,journals, sympathy cards, and baby books.
  • Work on planning annual Remembrance Day activities (Oct 15th of each year)
  • Develop baby books for parents to keep items and log memories.
  • Register with 1st Breath to receive "Urgent Action Needed" alerts.  To register for free Click Here.
  • Contact your local hospitals, funeral directors, doctors and others asking them to participate in 1st Breath's programs.
  • Provide remembrance cards written to parents for special occasions such as babies birthday/stillbirth, Mothers/Fathers day, and other special holidays.
  • Volunteer to assist with website and Facebook updates
  • Organize fundraisers and events
  • Regularly check out the "Advocacy" tab on our website to see what items need your help.  Click Here
  • Provide us with your own ideas. . .