1st Breath has numerous opportunities and needs across the nation. The opportunity to volunteer is as great as your imagination. Just a few suggestions are listed below.
- Provide items for Compassion Care Kits such as receiving blankets,journals, sympathy cards, and baby books.
- Work on planning annual Remembrance Day activities (Oct 15th of each year)
- Develop baby books for parents to keep items and log memories.
- Register with 1st Breath to receive "Urgent Action Needed" alerts. To register for free Click Here.
Contact your local hospitals, funeral directors, doctors and others asking them to participate in 1st Breath's programs.
Provide remembrance cards written to parents for special occasions such as babies birthday/stillbirth, Mothers/Fathers day, and other special holidays.
- Volunteer to assist with website and Facebook updates
- Organize fundraisers and events
- Regularly check out the "Advocacy" tab on our website to see what items need your help. Click Here
- Provide us with your own ideas. . .