Kick Trak
Designed by an obstetrician, kickTrak simplifies kick counting to potentially reduce the risk of stillbirth. Visualization of changes in your baby's movement pattern helps you promptly alert your doctor of possible problems and allows early intervention.
Starting at 24 weeks, use kickTrak to record and store the time it takes for your baby to complete 10 movements including kicks, rolls, jabs, and turns-- once a day, at the same time, when your baby is usually most active.
*Helps decrease the risk of stillbirth
*Every 20 minutes a baby is stillborn in the US; 72 babies each day
*Stillbirth may be avoided by counting your baby’s kicks and movements
*Counting kicks and movements is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to monitor your baby’s health
*Makes keeping track of kicks and movement easy and convenient
*Memory stores last 10 sessions so you and your doctor can easily monitor baby’s movement patterns
*Counts down the last 99 days of your pregnancy
*Tracks how far along you are in your pregnancy

Kick Counting Chart
Before starting your activity log be aware there's no single "standard" for the number of kicks to expect, but on average you should be able to detect at least 5 definite movements per hour in the last trimester. Babies sleep, and there may be times in the day when you feel little or no movement. That's why it's important to be aware of any changes in your baby's daily pattern. In time you'll get used to your baby's particular patterns.
The My Kicks Count chart will allow you to keep an accurate record that is foldable to fit in your billfold, and informative enough to be used by your physician. Bonus effects are, the process of using this chart is another method of helping you bond with your precious baby as well as become more familiar with their daily routine.
My Kicks Count chart may be printed at SMFM_KICK_COUNT_CHART 2010-12.pdf